Canaan Lake Association


The Canaan Lake Association works to ensure the health of Canaan Street Lake for the benefit of the natural world and for its use and enjoyment by people of all ages, now and for generations to come.

Activities of the Canaan Lake Association shall be appropriate to its mission. They shall include, without being limited to, the following: 

  • Sponsoring educational activities and dissemination of information on watershed protection, boating safety laws, etc.
  • Providing a forum where Members and residents of the area can become acquainted and can discuss the problems and opportunities of the Canaan Street Lake area.
  • Providing a channel for communication between the Association, the Town of Canaan and other government agencies.
  • Supporting, with approval of the Members, organizations that pursue activities which benefit or improve Canaan Street Lake and the surrounding area esthetics, recreation, conservation, environment, and water quality.   


The Canaan Lake Association meets annually in July.

The 2023 Annual Meeting was held in person on July 22, 2023 at the historic Canaan Meetinghouse, followed by lunch under a tent on the lawn. The draft minutes of the meeting are available at the link to the right.


The origins of the Association are lost in the mists of time. While the oldest Articles of Agreement are dated July 1964, the Internal Revenue Service records show the Association was registered as a non-profit 401(c)(4) in September 1942.

Its original name was “The Canaan Street Improvement Society” and its purpose was the planting, cultivation and protection of shade, ornamental and forest trees on Canaan Street as well as the promotion of the prosperity of the street.

This simple mission did not last long. In 1969 the Articles of Agreement were modified to change the name to “The Canaan Lake Association.” Its mission expanded to include the improvement and conservation of the bodies of water and the adjacent land of said bodies situated in Canaan, Grafton County, NH, with particular emphasis on that body of water in Canaan , formerly called Hart’s Pond, and also Crystal Lake, and now known as Canaan Street Lake.

In 2012, a second amendment was made to the Articles of Agreement in which the mission was limited to Canaan Street Lake and its watershed rather that all of the water bodies in Canaan.